The Art of Personal Branding in the Digital Age: Unleash Your Brand’s Uniqueness

PS: This is the MARKETING STRATEGY that will take your business to the NEXT LEVEL in 2024!

As a business owner, have you ever felt lost in the online world, trying to make your mark? And now we’re throwing personal branding into your business content mix. Well, you're not alone. We're all on the quest for a standout online presence, and it's kind of like finding your way through a maze. But, that’s exactly why we’re here and what we do best. So, grab your drink of choice, and let's navigate this strategy together ⬇️

The Personal Branding Maze

So, here's the deal – the internet is a big, bustling place, and getting noticed can feel almost impossible. It's like we're all in this massive maze, and personal branding is the secret guide to finding our way out. But, nailing and understanding how to do this can feel like a dead end after a dead end. As we dig into this marketing approach, we'll chat about the challenges and why having a personal brand is going to be your USP (unique selling point) that WILL REAP Digital Marketing SUCCESS in 2024.


Now, imagine summing up everything awesome about you on one page. That's where a posting persona guideline comes into play. It's like having your very own instruction manual. Why would we do this? Well, it’s to ensure that creating content for your personal brand approach doesn’t always rely on you ACTUALLY having to be there, you can still outsource and get content and marketing help (you just hand the person your instruction manual 😉), it makes for easier content creation and consistency every single time. And we all know that CONSISTENCY IS KEY.\


👉🏼 What is your tone of voice

👉🏼 Personality

👉🏼 Beliefs, interests and hobbies

👉🏼 What sort of value will you bring to your brand? (knowledge, entertainment, inspiration, etc.)

👉🏼 How will you inject your personal branding into your content? (showing your face in stories more, doing some ‘come pack with me’ or ‘unboxings’, ‘Day in the life’s’, etc. Will it be your face or just a voiceover for now?

👉🏼 What boundaries will you set? Sharing your kids or not, having your partner pop in every now and again, showing your home, or just your office space, what areas of your personal life will you share, or is it just going to be your personal story as a business owner, etc.


🪩 When you are planning out your content be sure to include hooks and topics that are coming from your own perspective, thoughts, opinions, and experiences. For example; ‘The strategy we know will take your digital marketing to the next level’, (we meaning Chloe’s Creative Co.). or, ‘5 scents that our clients have been loving’, or ‘What we are taking into 2024 and leaving behind in 2023,’ or, ‘Follow a day in the life of a Small Business Owner’ etc. Can you see how these aren’t generic, they are all coming from the brand or owner’s perspective.

🪩 When creating your content ensure that it comes from your posting persona. Make sure it is spoken in your tone of voice, with your brand personality in mind, and in a way that will provide the value to your audience that you decided on (educate, inspire, empower, entertain, provoke thought, promote action, etc.)

🪩 Finding ways to share your experience and hero story (how your brand came to be) throughout your content, not EVERY piece of content but at least once per month.

I hope this has shown you that it’s not too hard to inject this strategy into your content! It may take some practice and habit-building but it shouldn’t be adding more to your plate as it’s just you being you.


Alright, friends, here's the big takeaway – you're one of a kind, and that's your superpower and business’s USP (unique selling point). As we wrap up this blog, let's promise to rock our uniqueness loud and clear and if you didn’t take action as you read along, book a time for you to answer and build out your Posting Persona Instruction Manual to reap the rewards of this strategy.

So, go on, let your digital identity sparkle (and now without being overwhelmed 😏)!


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