From Zero to Hero - Building digital communities from scratch

So you’ve decided it’s time to take control of your social media journey… Now what? 🤔❓

Building your business and community through the socials can be a DAUNTING challenge for small businesses.

There’s often more mystery than clarity when it comes to understanding your role in the digital world, but (luckily) it’s much like riding a bike - once you learn the building blocks you won’t fall again. 🚲💪

We’re taking the mystery out of the marvellous and helping you translate all that internet-jumbo into simple tips to help you kick algorithm-ass on your social media adventure! 

Take it from the pro’s - you’ve got this. 💪👇

Starting From Ground Zero

What does a struggling digital community look like, and how do you know if your socials need some love?? ❤️‍🔥🪩

It can easily feel like we don’t know enough to know what to ask with our socials - especially in the early days of nurturing our business and online presence. 

So let’s break it down together! 👯

Whether starting from scratch or re-branding a struggling page, the building blocks of a strong digital presence are the same. 

First, we need to analyse where we are in our journeys towards social media stardom 🤩

Feeling lost and disconnected from your online community can look like:

  • Isolation from your audience (low engagement, no return community members, feel like you’re shouting into the void!) 

  • Slow (or no) sales growth through your socials (limited click-through on links, lack of social media sales) 

  • Struggling to foster mutual connections and loyal brand followers online

  • A sense of isolation from the outside world within your business. 

Sound like you? 😅

I think we’ve all felt at least one of these throughout the course of our journey, so know you are not alone in your learning journey. 🙃❤️‍🔥

Here are some words from our CEO ⬇️

“Throughout the process of building (and re-building 😂) my online community, I definitely felt the traps of online insecurity as I posted - which was a major inspiration for me to support other small businesses in feeling supported in their own journeys.”

Of course, our disconnect from our social media is the symptom of the problem, not the cause 🤔🕵️

The ‘why’ is behind the scenes - in your strategy and consistency online 🫶


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