Are your engagement and conversions being affected by a slow website? 👀

In today's digital age, every second counts. Slow websites can be the bane of customer engagement (and your sales potential).

A study by Contentsquare found that, in 2023, 2 in 5 customers were frustrated with website experiences. They cited slow page loading times and JavaScript errors (Errors are statements that don't let the program run properly) as the main issues. This frustration isn't a minor inconvenience. It can cause big problems for businesses.

When a customer has a frustrating website experience, the impact can range from a brief distraction to outright disengagement (or aggressively binning their tech 😉👆). The universal bounce rate hovers around 50%. Brands have mere seconds to make a positive impression. Every click matters. Every delay risks losing a potential customer. Jean-Christophe Pitié, the chief marketing and partnerships officer at Contentsquare, says, "Customers aren’t so willing to give second chances."

Why should you care so much about this?

Because it's not just user experience that this affects. Qualtrics XM Institute states that over half of consumers admit to reducing or stopping spending at a business after a poor website experience 🤯. Trust and frustration share a close relationship in the digital world. Businesses must focus on seamless online experiences from start to finish in 2024 and beyond.

What's interesting though, is that frustration levels have increased across almost every industry. This highlights the importance of website performance.

The Additional Affects outside of user experience...

Poor website performance doesn't just affect user experience. It can also have dire consequences for SEO. Google's Core Web Vitals now measure key aspects of user experience. These include:

🪩 page loading performance

🪩 interactivity, and

🪩 visual stability.

Sites that fail to meet these standards risk lower search rankings (A.K.A exactly what we don't want!!).


Luckily, there's light at the end of the tunnel. A simple solution to address this slow page loading issue. Tools like Tiny PNG offer a free and effective way to compress imagery. The compression doesn't sacrifice quality. With a few clicks, businesses can take quick action to create a smoother, more enjoyable browsing experience for their customers (thank us later 😏).

TinyPNG in action and what to expect on the landing page.

So what’s the key takeaway here?

In short, you can't ignore the impact of slow website loading times on customer experience. Digital landscapes are evolving. User expectations are rising. Businesses must prioritise performance optimisation to remain competitive in today's online market. By kicking issues like slow page loading times to the curb, businesses can instantly create more positive user experiences and drive long-term success (which is the goal right!).

Remember, in the digital world, every millisecond matters.

Let me know in the comment section if you see a difference with Tiny PNG.

Chat next blog,

Chloe x


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